For you are glorious, it means,
As the possibility of love,
Has never been of one long kiss,
Of starry nights, long goodbyes,
Of that strand of hair on my sleeve,
For the door has always been left open,
And the wind has never been so colder,
For the possibility of love has been minimal,
And in untimed circumstances, blossomed,
On some days, the sun has been kinder,
Immortality has been a passing thought,
For love has never been by my side,
For it has taken ages to find true love,
And the possibility of love,
To make ends meet, opposites attract,
And all the rubbish people come up with,
It has been a never ending journey,
For you are glorious, it means,
And the idea of immortality,
To blossom love in untimed circumstances,
Need not abide by the time, granted by God,
For even time will have to bow down beneath,
As the possibility of love,
Has never been of one long kiss,
Of starry nights, long goodbyes,
For that ever so lonely heart,
Pounds in between the two spaces,
For you are glorious, it means,
And the idea of immortality,
Has never been a passing phase for me,
For the realization has been there,
Death has never been a friend in need,
And in all your glory, unprecedented,
Unabashed, unashamed, blatant,
The journey was never written,
With an ending or a beginning,
And the idea of immortality,
Has never been of passing phase to me.