Monday, November 15, 2010

Heart Of A Butterfly

Your face shines upon the glory,
Of me as the light that signifies,
The morning and the night,
As a whole, divine and sacred,
Long dew is my love for you,
My feet numb, movements lethargic,
I proclaim for your sanctity,
I kiss you at the end of your face,
And the whole body flutters,
In hope of a new butterfly,
Crawling from your skin,
To my mouth and the cocoon,
Sapping us, bounded by love,
Beyond the faith of a human,
And beneath the darkness of sun,
My face disfigures, tries to create,
Into something you may like,
Importance of love as me to you,
Is all about you loving me back,
As the journey to a one way street,
Takes me back to where I started,
Love, transfigure for me into something divine,
In the shadows of peace and quiet,
Love, boundless shrieks and cries,
Love so powerful, voice magnifies,
Into a million pieces of souls,
Who crave for the heart to transfigure,
Love seems like a one way street,
May the journey begin from the other side,
Reach into my hands and flutter away,
Love so pure, its wings turn to ashes,
And rub your threads to my soul,
As the chest craves for a feel,
Heart may transfigure into a butterfly,
And shall flutter away tonight,
Heart so delicate of a human being,
May need someone to hold onto it,
For a while, habits die hard,
And heart flutters away, lose it tonight,
Love, so rich that it transfigures,
Wings of love like a butterfly,
Shall flutter away with a pair tonight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Beauty in your words ,that shines from your Heart ,Us clearly Heard from This Heart ,as it touches something inside ,that seems to calm ,every part of me .
    You write with much Beauty
    Beauty of your Heart will be Heard ,as you will Touch many ,with your calming words

  3. I especially love the first half. For me it embodies the expectancy and eagerness for the new, the beautiful, and the perfect, as well as the ways that love can change you (sometimes for better, sometimes for worse - but it does change you, and you want that to be to the liking of the beloved.)

    I was just stopping by to wish you a happy new year and to thank you for following my blog, A Silvertongued Serenade. Henceforth I will be blogging at wordpress, so if you're interested, swing on by one of my three new blogs.

    The writing/photography/crafts/dream journal blog:

    The coffee blog:

    The illustrated life blog:

    Hope your holidays were full of every blessing, and may 2011 exceed your wildest dreams!

    ~ Miss Rex
